photo of the month
from randy kato


This month's photo is a bit of a departure from the usual travel/landscape images I usually select. But this one is special - as are those others - due to its underlying story.

The fact that it's a photo of a photo shoot is a bit meta, but this moment, with these people, is remarkable not just to me but to the many worlds intersecting in this historic place and time.

You see, the guy with the big Nikon is Eraj Asadi, one of the most gifted photographers I know. Google him, check out his work, and don't hurt your jaw when it drops to the floor. I'm proud to call him a friend, and honored to have been the lucky subject of some of his photos. A favorite subject of his are Burners (the colorful, beauty-full, spectacular people in the Burning Man community).

The hot number in the red dress is another friend Anya Sapozhnikova, an incredible aerialist and circus performer, and one of the founders of the House of Yes. What is the House of Yes? That's a hard question to answer because it is so many things. In broad terms, it's a hive of creativity where sweet things are made by a whole colony of buzzing souls. You can get more details at

The "set" for this shoot is the House of Yes...or as of today, the building formerly known as the House of Yes. The magic and wonder that was created within these walls was partly responsible for raising property values in the neighborhood, and when their 5-year lease was up for renewal the rent more than doubled. Time to move on (to bigger and better things).

The backdrop for this shot was the office for the House of Yes and Lady Circus. It's empty because this was one of the final days there and everything was already moved out. Yet so deep is the creativity here, that even when empty, the things left behind are still a feast for the eyes!

My partner and I had a studio here, right next door to this office. We had just come by to see it all empty and say goodbye, when we ran into our friends....still making art.


Photo of the Month archive